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Data Cleansing

Data Cleansing safeguards the quality of the data

in your company’s database.

With the ever increasing importance of data, companies have seen their database space become overloaded in just a few years. The problem is that with so much accumulated data, not all is 100% “clean”. That is, some data may be inaccurate, incomplete, corrupt, or no longer exist. This is where Data Cleansing comes into play. Data Cleansing involves cleaning — detecting and correcting — errors in the database so that each record is a valid, existing recipient.

Why is this process so important?

Cleansing your database helps prevent Dead Letter Mail (DLM) — sending communications to non-existing addresses — thereby avoiding unnecessary costs.

With FourSeeds, you can cleanse your database directly in the platform. In addition to our default rules, such as removing incomplete phone numbers or invalid email addresses, you can specify additional rules tailored to your specific needs.

When you delete duplicate contacts according to your priorities, you avoid targeting the same person several times.

Once your database has been cleansed, the challenge is to keep it clean while growing it. Neglecting data quality can cost 15-25% of the company’s turnover. This is where Data Quality Management (DQM) comes in.

We drive DQM in the FourSeeds platform by enhancing your database with certain pieces of customer information, such as phone number or postal address. Furthermore, the platform unifies the information in real time. For example, it can take customer permissions into account — opt-ins and opt-outs — and adapt your database accordingly. In this way, you make sure that each individual in your database is actually a valid recipient.

The advantage of having a cleansed database with quality data is that not only is your knowledge about your customers more accurate and precise, but also you avoid undeliverable mails due to incorrect indications. In the long term, this technique will provide you with considerable savings, without the added cost of resolving and modifying errors, such as address correction.

With our FourSeeds platform, you can automatically cleanse your data, which will save you time and money, and improve your campaign’s return on investment.

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